two students looking at larger computer monitor

Graphic Design
University Parallel: A.A./A.S.


No matter the medium, there's always a need for things to look good. In traditional and digital publishing, as well as in a host of other areas, that means a need for people who can create visual solutions for the common - and uncommon - communication problems besetting today's businesses.

Sample Academic Plan
To learn more about suggested classes needed to complete the program of study, please go to the Sample Academic Plan for Graphic Design, A.A./A.S.
"I chose Columbia State because I felt like it is a good school with a welcoming environment, great classes and good friends." ~Johnathan Cueva, graduate with graphic design degree. Pictured with his mother and grandmother.
Johnathan Cueva
Student Media Groups
MERGE and shift magazines are student-run publications, which include media criticism, digital art, student profiles and cartoons. The GreenWay is a student-run newsletter, which reflects student life and is published on the Williamson Campus.
Student Media Groups
old fashioned microphones

Humanities & Social Sciences News