Tuition, Fees, & Related Program Costs
The nursing program shall not charge fees or cause the student to incur any costs except those specifically designated in the college catalog or in the estimated cost sheet for nursing students.
The college shall assess and collect prevailing rates for tuition and application. The student is responsible for all costs incurred relative to travel to and from clinical assignments, uniforms required for clinical rotations, identity badge, supplies, textbooks, and parking. Transportation to and from the clinical assignment is the sole responsibility of the student. Columbia State assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage within the facilities and during the route to and from these facilities.
Medical malpractice insurance coverage is required for students in the nursing program. Group malpractice coverage is purchased in conjunction with registration for nursing courses. For policies governing student withdrawal and refunds of tuition, fees, please refer to the catalog and course schedules.
Health insurance is required for students to participate in clinical activities. Each student is individually responsible for the cost of maintaining health insurance during the program.
Estimated Nursing Program Fee List (subject to change)
- Tuition (in-state) – approximately $185.00 per semester credit hour, estimated, for four semesters (based on 67 credit hours and subject to increase depending on legislation) – $12,395.00
- Health Science Academic Course Fee $25 per semester credit hour ($25 x 39 Nursing credit hours) - $975.00
- Program services fee for four semesters ($20 per semester) – $80.00
- Student activity fee for four semesters ($3 per semester) – $12.00
- Technology access fee $116 per semester (estimated) for four semesters – $464.00
- Facilities fee - $22 per semester for four semester - $88.00
Additional Fees for Nursing Students
- Malpractice Insurance ($15 per year) – $30.00
- Physical examination (pre-admission) – Variable, up to $300.00+
- Books/Supplies $600/ semester1– $2400.00
- Uniforms – Approximately $300.00
- Vaccinations required by clinical facilities – Variable
- CPR Course (pre-admission) – $73.00
- Criminal Background Checks2 and 10-panel drug screen with urine alcohol screen (required) – $81.50 approximately
- Fingerprint and background check3– $37.15
- NCLEX Application Fee – $200.00
- School pin (optional)3– $40.00-$200.00
- Individual picture and class composite (includes State Board picture) – $50.00
- Travel expenses4– Variable
Note that fees are subject to change without notice.
1 Represents average costs. Expense is greatest during the first semester of the program.
2 Affiliated clinical training sites require each incoming nursing student to undergo a criminal background examination and a drug screen. Any of the affiliated clinical sites may deny a student clinical access due to the results in the criminal background check and/or drug screen. A student prohibited from an affiliate healthcare facility entrance is subsequently unable to complete the mandated clinical hours for the Nursing Program. Thus, a student without the ability to fulfill the clinical elements of the nursing courses is unable to meet the standards for nursing education in accordance with those of the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), the Tennessee Board of Nursing (TBON), and the Columbia State Nursing Program. More information is available from the Nursing Program Director.
3 Purchased in the last semester of the nursing program
4 Transportation to and from clinical agencies including parking fees is the responsibility of the student. Travel to clinical facilities outside the campus/center area is required. Columbia State assumes no liability for personal injury or property damage during the route to and from these facilities and during the clinical experience within these facilities.