We'll Take You There

Free Tutoring
In-Person • Virtual • Online

"When I wanted to quit, the staff and tutors made it possible to try again. I love the TLC. Every college deserves this!"

The Tutoring and Learning Center provides free in-person, virtual, and online tutoring in math, writing, science, and more. Our staff is dedicated to your academic success. Dual Enrollment students have the same access to FREE tutoring services as currently enrolled students. Your Columbia State experience is important to us!

Scheduling Options:

  • Tutor.com is a free 24/7 tutoring service provided by Columbia State for all enrolled Columbia State students and accessed through student tab in MyChargerNet.

Availability includes days, evenings and weekends.

What the TLC Can Do for You
View the Summer 2024 Tutoring Schedule
Discover the Tutoring and Learning Center! View the Summer 2024 tutoring schedule to get the support you need for a successful semester. Check out the flyer for details.
Download Flyer

Tutoring Links

  • New! Charger Online Writing (OWL): The Charger Online Writing Lab (OWL) is created by Columbia State's faculty to guide students through all aspects of essay and research writing.
  • Online Tutoring (Tutor.com): Tutor.com is free, 24-hour-a-day tutoring service provided by Columbia State for Columbia State students currently enrolled courses.
  • Useful Tutoring Links: Access free tutorials, PowerPoint presentation, handouts and other ways to help you learn your subject.

What Students Are Saying About the TLC

  • "I appreciate that tutoring is free and that it is readily available at all times and easy to schedule using the app."
  • "I made a 96! I've never done anything like that before on a math test! I appreciate you working with me so late and so often."
  • "My tutor is encouraging, offers constructive criticism and positive reinforcement, all while conveying a caring heart and a genuine desire to help me be a successful student, while forming a foundation in writing that will help me in my education and professional life."
  • "I have always had a very positive experience with the tutoring center. I was really nervous reaching out for help the first time, but after my first meeting I knew I would be using it all the time!"

Our Mission to Students

The Tutoring and Learning Center supports and encourages a diverse and inclusive environment. We welcome students of all backgrounds as we work together in a collaborative spirit based on kindness and mutual respect. Our mission is to help students realize their potential, become independent learners, and achieve their academic goals. A vibrant, open and equitable educational experience for all students enriches our Columbia State community and promotes greater awareness and acceptance of one another’s individual worth and dignity.


Columbia Campus
Anne D. Reeves
Williamson Campus
Caitlyn McNabb
Administration 323
615.465.5718 or 615.790.5670