How to Register with DRC

Students wishing to register with the Disability Resource Center should complete the New Student Intake, provide substantial documentation, and schedule a meeting with a DRC representative at the campus you intend to attend.
Please be advised this process may take time to get started and it is best practice to communicate with the DRC once you have formally been accepted to Columbia State. Current Columbia State students should contact the DRC as soon as possible if you find there is a need for assistance.
Documentation provided to the DRC should support a disability and also indicate how the diagnosis may impact the educational setting. The documentation should be from a licensed professional such as a Primary Care Physician or School Psychologist. A letter stating the diagnosis, generally, is not sufficient documentation.
If you plan to utilize information provided by a high school, please understand an IEP or 504 Plan alone will not be sufficient information. You may need to ask the school contact for a copy of the Psycho-educational report used to develop the IEP or 504 Plan.
For individuals with limited available documentation, you may have your healthcare provider complete the DRC Healthcare form below and return it to our office for review.
Available Accommodations
An academic accommodation is a means to ensure students with disabilities have access to course information and an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of materials without the disability obstructing the process. Below is a list of a few examples of possible accommodations in the college setting.
- Extended Time on Exams
Students may be approved for 1.5 or 2.0 extended time on exam and quizzes. The extended time should be provided without student missing any class time and may be utilized on any course work considered as an exam grade (i.e. papers or projects). - Minimum Distraction Test Setting
Students may request for the test to be administered in a location with minimal distractions such as the Testing Center. - Attendance Modification
Available to students when absences may occur due to disability. Student is not approved for unlimited absences from class. This is to give student opportunity to miss class and not be penalized for late assignments or exams if said assignment or exam is scheduled during the missed class period. If student has missed more than the agreed upon class meetings during the semester, it may be appropriate for the grade to be affected or for other arrangements to be made. - Notetaking Services
Designed to give student access to course lecture notes when the disability affects their ability to take notes. Two types of notetaking assistance.- Student utilizes a copy of the course notes, typically provided to the student by instructor and taken by another student. Notes would not be made available during class periods not attended.
- Student utilizes notetaking software called Sonocent to record course lecture. Requires student to download software to computer and DRC grants access to the program at beginning of each term.
Common requests that are not an accommodation:
- Personal Care Attendants
- Study Guides
- Modified Curriculum
- Alterations to exams or assignments
Student Rights and Responsibilities
- An equal opportunity to learn
- Have the right to decide whether or not to register with Disability Resource Center.
- Have the right to choose not to use accommodations
- Responsible for self-identifying with DRC
- Responsible for scheduling a meeting with the instructors to discuss implementation of the accommodations
- Contact and/or request the accommodations be sent out
- Communicate any problems to the DRC as timely as possible.