Columbia State Student Sarah Frazier Honored in 2023 Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans

Columbia State student Sarah Frazier was recently honored as a recipient of the 2023 Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans.
Established in 2020 by Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor Flora W. Tydings, the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans recognizes one military veteran each year from each of Tennessee’s community and technical colleges to honor the service, bravery and sacrifices of military veterans in campus communities.
“Our college communities are strengthened by the presence on campus of veterans and active-duty personnel – as students, faculty, staff and alumni,” Dr. Tydings said. “They and the experiences and perspectives they bring are an important part of the broad diversity of people and backgrounds on our campuses that benefits everyone.”
Recipients of the commendation are nominated by the respective college presidents, and Frazier was one of 37 Tennesseans to receive the commendation.

“I’m very proud to deliver the Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans,” said Dr. Janet F. Smith, Columbia State president. “We are very proud of your service that you have given to your country and that you are a member of the TBR family and here at Columbia State.”
“I was in the Marine Corps for five years before I was medically retired,” said Frazier. “I got out at the rank of E5 or Sergeant. While in, the thing that keeps you going is the family you form with your comrades. I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish anything without them. While in, I received the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for excelling in a job field that was not my own and that I had not been trained in while deployed. I love this country and would have continued to serve it for as long as they would have let me if I hadn’t been medically retired.”
A Summertown resident, Frazier graduated from Lawrence County High School in 2011 before joining the United States Marine Corps. She claims she inherited her love of country from her father, who was a United States Army veteran. After she graduates from Columbia State, Frazier plans on transferring to Middle Tennessee State University to complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She hopes to eventually open a candle-making business with her sister.
“Columbia State has reiterated the importance of teamwork in and out of school which was originally taught to me by the Marine Corps,” said Frazier. “I also now have a deeper understanding of what will be expected of me in the workplace.”
Frazier was presented a special TBR Challenge Coin by Smith on behalf of the chancellor. Challenge coins are a rich tradition in all branches of the military and signify special achievement, excellence, hard work, unit pride, respect and esprit de corps.
“Columbia State has prepared me for the four-year university that I plan on attending after graduation by establishing the workload that will be expected of me continuing forward,” said Frazier. “Not only are the professors and staff friendly, but they are also invested in your future. They encourage you when you are struggling and praise you when you are excelling. They truly give you their all and expect the same of you.
View the full list of 2023 Chancellor’s Commendation for Military Veterans recipients at