Columbia State Hosts Annual College Fair for Maury County Students

Columbia State Community College recently hosted a college fair for Maury County high school students.

"Columbia State has been the proud host of the Maury County College Fair for many years now,” said Crystal Creekmore, Columbia State assistant director of admissions and recruitment. “The College Fair provides juniors and seniors access to meet with representatives from more than 30 different institutions.”
The event is held every year for approximately 1,000 Maury County high school students to meet colleges and universities from the region and help them visualize their future.
“The Maury County College Fair is a fun way for the 11th and 12th grade students of Maury County to meet representatives from colleges, universities, TCATs, and branches of the U.S. Military,” said Emily Frisch, Columbia State enrollment recruiter. “There was also a Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation representative to share about Tennessee’s scholarship opportunities. It was exciting to be part of helping provide this opportunity for students as they think about their next steps. We look forward to hosting the fair again next year.”
In addition to high school students and school counselors, over 30 colleges and universities were represented at the event, including Columbia State, Middle Tennessee State University, the University of Tennessee, Austin Peay State University and UT Southern.