Columbia State Honors General Biology Research Students Demonstrate Outstanding Academic Achievement

Columbia State Community College’s Honors General Biology Research students Annaleisa Matzirakis, Miriam Eliden, Jesse Cole Lampley, Jaeden Kennedy and James Bautista demonstrated outstanding academic achievement during the Spring 2023 semester.
The undergraduate biology research experience is a unique option offered only to Tennessee students at Columbia State Community College. The hands-on research component includes the phage discovery part, led by Dr. Elvira Eivazova, Columbia State associate professor of biology, and the genomics/bioinformatics part, taught by Eivazova and Dr. Michael Pollack, Columbia State associate professor of mathematics.
Students not only earn their required biology credit, but also submerse themselves in a high-quality science experience conducted in collaboration with the world-renowned Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Students discover new bacteriophages, viruses that specifically kill bacteria, and publish their findings in the largest bacteriophage database run by the National Institute of Health and HHMI.
Students also engage in authentic research projects that aim to help physicians treat or alleviate antibiotic-resistant illnesses as well as to establish academic confidence and develop project ownership, self- efficacy, community values, networking skills and much more.
While earning their associate of science degree, students receive broader access to scholarships and internships, as well as access to high-paid careers in the future. One of the highlights of the course is that prior research experience and skills are not required to participate, with no additional expenses to students.
Recently, five students from Eivazova’s honors general biology “Phage Discovery” course demonstrated outstanding academic achievement.

A dual-enrolled student, Annaleisa Matzirakis became a winner of the American Heritage Merit Scholarship, the recipient of the R. Wayne and Nadine McElrath Endowed Scholarship and the Dr. Robert Alexander Nunn Endowed Scholarship in Spring 2023. Following her graduation at Columbia State, she transferred to Auburn University where she is majoring in applied biotechnology to pursue her passion for research and service through medical mycology, experimental medicine and drug discovery.

Miriam Eliden Galindo became the Columbia State winner of the Middle Tennessee State University Honors College Transfer Fellowship in Spring 2023. As an Honors College student, Galindo plans to pursue a bachelor’s degree doing research in computational biology.

Jesse Cole Lampley became a Columbia State winner of the Transfer Trustee scholarship to Lipscomb University in Spring 2023, where he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in pre-health professions with a plan to become an MD in the future.

Jaeden Kennedy also became a Columbia State winner of the Transfer Trustee scholarship to Lipscomb University in Spring 2023, where he is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in business.

James Bautista, who is continuing his education at Columbia State, became a recipient of the Summer 2023 paid research internship through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates Research in Symmetries at the University of Kentucky program. After earning his Associate of Science degree, Bautista plans to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech.
In addition, Matzirakis, Galindo and Bautista presented talks at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

The Columbia State biology department has two courses with discovery and project-based research components, Honors General Biology and Biology Research, which are conducted in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The courses are designed to provide an authentic research experience for students with little to no prior lab skills. For more information, visit