Columbia State Hosts Annual College Fair for Maury County Students

Columbia State Community College recently hosted a college fair for Maury County high school students.
"This year was the first year that we held the event outside to practice social distancing,” said Ronda Williams, Columbia State enrollment recruiter.
The event is held every year for anywhere between 800 to 1,000 students. Local high school juniors from across the county arrived at the Columbia Campus to meet colleges and universities from the region and help them visualize their future.
“It’s nice to have people here representing the colleges so I can see all the schools that I have the opportunity to go to,” said Kiara Simerly, a junior at Columbia Central High School.
In addition to high school students and guidance counselors, 41 colleges and universities were represented at the event, including Columbia State, Middle Tennessee State University, the University of Tennessee, Austin Peay State University and the University of Alabama.
“Talking to all the schools and seeing what they have to offer is really interesting,” said Mac Sanders, Columbia Central High School junior. “I think this will help me narrow down my choices.”
“We have enjoyed a long-standing history of hosting the event at Columbia State and look forward to having it again next fall,” Williams said.