Columbia State To Host Freshmen and Dual Enrollment Williamson Campus Info Sessions

Columbia State Community College’s Williamson Campus will host virtual “Freshmen and Dual Enrollment Info Sessions” every Tuesday, Oct. 12 – Nov. 2 from 6 - 8 p.m.
The information sessions are designed for high school juniors and seniors and parents/guardians interested in learning more about dual enrollment classes or attending Columbia State’s Williamson Campus.
“These information sessions will help Williamson County students and parents learn more about Columbia State, dual enrollment opportunities, scholarships, academic programs and transferability of college credit,” said Stasa Bakliza, Columbia State enrollment recruiter for the Williamson Campus.
The information session will cover the Dual Enrollment grant, which beginning Spring 2022 will provide high school students the opportunity to take up to four dual enrollment courses tuition-free.
“Students and parents/guardians will have an opportunity to ask general questions, schedule a campus tour and learn about the applications steps,” said Bakliza.
In addition, participants can learn more about Tennessee Promise, which allows graduating high school and home school seniors the opportunity to earn a degree or certificate from a community or technical college tuition-free.
The information sessions can be joined via Zoom at