Limited number of paid seats available.
Columbia State Community College will offer a summer College Success course for a limited number of students at no cost. This course is designed to aid the success of new students who plan to attend Columbia State this fall.
College Success is a one credit-hour course designed to assist new college students in transitioning to the Columbia State campus environment. Students will cover a variety of topics, including success strategies, campus resources/technology, career development and campus involvement. The purpose of the course is to provide information that will maximize students' chances for success while minimizing the time required to achieve their educational goals.
“College Success teaches essential skills like time management and becoming a lifelong learner while showing students how to navigate support services that make the path to graduation a little easier,” said Meredeth McCoy-McCraw, Columbia State assistant professor of mathematics and College Success coordinator. “We think that taking this course during the summer will prepare students with the skills and support they need before classes begin in the Fall semester.”
The costs associated with the course will be covered, including tuition, fees and books. There are a limited number of paid seats for the first students accepted for Summer and registered for Fall semester as either a full-time or part-time student. Both day and evening classes will be offered July 14 – 29. Day classes will meet for 10 sessions, and evening classes will meet for five sessions.
For more information, contact Meredeth McCoy-McCraw at 931.540.2698 or mmccoy@ColumbiaState.edu