Columbia State's summer semester begins May 24 and important deadlines are fast approaching for new and returning students.
New students and returning students who have missed one or more semesters must apply for summer admission by May 10. Summer and fall registration opens for all admitted students on April 7. Summer registration closes May 19. Students must apply for fall admission by August 6. Fall registration closes August 17.
The summer and fall course schedules will include a mixture of instructional formats: live-streaming Desktop Video Conferencing (DVC) via Zoom, online, hybrid, and a limited number of small-group, on-ground classes. Full term summer classes will follow the normal academic calendar beginning May 24 to August 3, with final exams scheduled for the last day of class. Full term fall classes will follow the normal academic calendar beginning August 23 to December 3, with final exams scheduled December 4 - 10. To accommodate the working learner or those desiring shorter sessions, there will be shorter terms offered throughout the summer and fall semesters.
In an effort to begin transitioning safely back to campus, the college is working to increase the number of on-ground classes offered this fall.
In addition, many lecture classes will also be live-streamed via Zoom. In a live-streamed class, students and faculty can interact with each other in real-time to discuss topics, clarify content and ask questions.
Whenever possible, labs will be in online formats. However, some specific labs and skill-based classes will require a combination of online components, on-ground small-group sessions, or a streaming-hybrid flex design. These courses are primarily in the health sciences, physical education, engineering technology and learning support programs. Workplace learning courses such as clinicals, internships and practicums will continue participation as clinical or assigned work locations allow.
In order to support students and provide opportunities for increased discussion, flex class sessions, study groups or specialized instruction may be offered. These sessions may be on-ground, virtual or instructor-led flex sessions to meet the many learning styles and needs of students. In addition, students will have limited access (by appointment only) to computers on each campus.
As in the past, Columbia State will continue to offer a large variety of online classes. An online class is a web class with content posted online and no required class meetings. Students are expected to read content, participate in online discussions, check the course calendar and submit assignments by posted due dates. Columbia State instructors will be available to answer questions. In addition, students may register for TN eCampus classes. These are online classes taught by instructors from other colleges, as well as Columbia State.
“We look forward to fall semester and the welcoming of new students,” said Dr. Janet F. Smith, Columbia State president. “Throughout the pandemic, our faculty and staff have worked tirelessly to provide consistent learning opportunities and support to students in the virtual environment. While many of our services will still operate in the virtual environment this fall, we are excited to begin transitioning back to campus safely.”
A virtual student resources webpage is available online that directs students to the many programs and services available for their success. To provide a successful, collegiate environment, the college is offering additional resources including a technology loan program and 24/7 tutoring, as well as virtual advising, lecture series, club meetings and other engagement activities.
An Admissions Recruiter Hotline is available for anyone with questions on instructional formats or how to apply. Admissions representatives are available Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 – 6 p.m. via Zoom at https://columbiastate.zoom.us/j/89745286439.No appointments are needed for this Zoom room. Students will be assisted on a first-come basis.
Upon acceptance, new students must schedule a virtual appointment with an adviser to register for classes and attend an online orientation session. Columbia State advisers are ready to help students with the registration process, answer questions and create a plan based on their individual needs.
Applications are currently accepted online at www.ColumbiaState.edu/Apply.
For more information about applying or registering, visit the Columbia State website at www.ColumbiaState.edu, call (931) 540-2790, or email Admissions@ColumbiaState.edu.