Columbia State Hosts Virtual Orientation Event for Giles County Students

(COLUMBIA, Tenn. – May 18, 2020) - - -Columbia State Community College hosted a virtual orientation event via Zoom for Giles County students May 6 to provide important information for incoming freshmen.
“This event had originally been scheduled as a fun-filled day at the Lawrence Campus with student activities and information sessions,” said Molly Rogers, Columbia State Lawrence Campus coordinator. “However, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to switch gears and get creative with an online delivery format.”
Students from Giles County and Richland high schools that have applied to Columbia State were invited to attend this virtual orientation event. A variety of Columbia State team members were on-hand to share information about their areas and provide important information for incoming students such as how to schedule an appointment with an advisor, opportunities to get involved on campus, access to free tutoring services, and more.
“The goal of orientation is to help incoming students get acclimated to the college environment,” said Michelle Koenig, dean of access, southern campuses and regional services. “We want to help students make a successful transition so they are prepared to begin their classes in the fall. We also want them to form connections with Columbia State faculty and staff so that they know who to contact if they have questions.”
Students that are interested in applying to Columbia State or have questions regarding the admissions process can connect with an admissions recruiter via a virtual hotline. Recruiters are available Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to answer questions. Visit for more information.
New and returning students who have not yet applied to Columbia State must submit an application by August 7 for the fall semester. A returning student is someone who has previously attended Columbia State, but is not currently enrolled.
Fall semester classes start August 24 and will be offered in an array of delivery methods.