Columbia State Donates Supplies for COVID-19 Relief in Maury County

(COLUMBIA, Tenn. – March 24, 2020) - - -Columbia State Community College’s Health Sciences Division recently donated personal protective equipment to NHC Maury Regional Transitional Care Center.
The donated PPE includes isolation gowns, gloves, face masks and shields. These items are currently in high demand at medical facilities to help protect healthcare professionals as they combat COVID-19.
“Community partners regularly contribute to student learning through clinical access, sharing of expertise and financial support. What a blessing to be able to respond to a request for supplies during the COVID-19 crisis,” said Dr. Kae Fleming, Columbia State dean of the Health Sciences Division. “Several of the division's departments, from nursing to veterinary technology, reached into storage areas to share with those currently involved in direct patient care.”
Columbia State has a long-standing partnership with community medical facilities and is pleased to reciprocate some help during this challenging time.
“Columbia State's health science programs benefit daily from invaluable relationships with providers throughout the region,” Fleming said. “We are feeling thankful and looking forward to continuing to collaborate for years to come.”