Columbia State Student Wins Second Place at Middle Tennessee Collegiate Meeting of the Tennessee Academy of Science

Twenty-four undergraduate research students from Belmont University, Columbia State Community College, Tennessee State University and Tennessee Tech University were invited to give a 12-minute research presentation in one of four different sessions: chemistry; cellular and molecular biology and microbiology; health and medical sciences; and zoology, ecology and environmental sciences.
All sessions were moderated and judged by faculty volunteers, who awarded certificates to the top three presenters in each session. The meeting was coordinated and run by Dr. Duane Hatch, Belmont assistant professor of chemistry.
The event presented an opportunity for students to showcase their scholarly work and to provide an intellectual exchange with students from other local universities in Tennessee.
"Attending a conference is a great way for students to meet with peers, share ideas and make new contacts with other students and faculty," said Dr. Elvira Eivazova, assistant professor of biology.
Columbia State participated in the TAS conference for the first time with plans to provide a broader research student representation at future TAS meetings. Plans are underway way for Columbia State to host a TAS student research conference in 2019.