18th Annual Employees’ Honors and Awards Convocation Recognizes Outstanding Faculty and Staff
(Columbia, Tenn. - May 13, 2015) For the past 18 years, faculty and staff have gathered for the annual Employees' Honors and Awards Convocation. The event celebrates accomplishments of the year, creates an atmosphere of fellowship, and honors those employees who stand out in their field and make Columbia State a better place to work and study.

Livia Derryberry, records clerk for the health sciences division, was awarded the President's Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon a Columbia State employee. The award was presented by President Janet F. Smith and Barry White, Columbia State foundation chair.

Shelly Manns, assistant director of learning support and associate professor of English, was presented with the Distinguished Faculty Award.

Bo Bollinger, media services coordinator, was presented the Outstanding Professional Staff Award.

Katrina Woody, secretary for the health sciences division, won the Outstanding Support Staff Award.

Nancy Davidson, account clerk for business services, was awarded the Spirit Award for showing her enthusiastic support for the college.

Randy Carroll, chief of security, received the Shining Star Award for employees who have been with the college less than three years.

Freda Pillow, career counselor, was presented with the Sunshine Award for always having a smile.

Pictured (left to right): Dr. Christa Martin, assistant to the president for Access and Diversity, and Livia Derryberry, records clerk for health sciences division were honored for 35 years of service to the college. Not pictured: Wanda Moore, lead worker for records.

(Pictured, left to right) Dr. James Senefeld, professor of English, and Dr. Barry Gidcomb, professor of history were honored for 30 years of service to the college.

Receiving 25-year service awards are (pictured, left to right): Cheryl McCord-Acklin, assistant professor of psychology, and Beverly Mitchell, professor of English. Mike Harvey, assistant professor of accounting (not pictured).

Director of planning and institutional effectiveness and associate professor of mathematics, Tammy Borren, received a 20-year service award.

Receiving 15-year service awards are (pictured, left to right): Joan Cook, associate professor of English and education; Regina Ray, coordinator for veterans and scholarships; Kellie Gwin, processing clerk for admissions; Debbie Scott, mail and inventory clerk; and Mandy Carter-Lowe, associate professor of biology. Not pictured are: Kathy Breeden, director of the library; Shirley Harper, secretary at the Williamson Campus; William Slaughter, security guard; Marian Warren, program director and assistant professor of early childhood education; Glenna Winters, professional and instructional development specialist; and Neita Workman, custodian.

William Alexander, security guard, received his 15-year service award.

Receiving 10-year service awards (pictured, left to right) are Jayne Halter, help desk and administrative coordinator for information technology, and Anne Scott, librarian. Not pictured: Peggy Armstrong, custodian.

Receiving the five-year service awards are (pictured, left to right): Betty Bailey, testing assistant; Carolyn Mashburn, instructor of nursing; Gena Ryan, teaching and learning at the Williamson Campus; Cara Sutherland, instructor of mathematics; and David White, assistant professor of chemistry. Not pictured: Bethany Lay, executive for advancement and executive director of the Columbia State Foundation; Georgetta Street, assistant professor of nursing, and Loren Witt, assistant professor of biology.

Receiving the five-year service award is Dr. Shanna Jackson, dean of extended services and Williamson Campus.

Employees who retired during the 2014-15 academic year were given a special gift in recognition of their years of service to the college. Pictured (left to right) are Ron Galloway, Louis Connor, Mary McLuen and Ron Beck. Not pictured: Warnella Bullock, Randal Cason, Randy Elston, Lauren Hall, Dr. Paula Petty-Ward and Greg Wood.