Workforce Development Announces April Classes

(COLUMBIA, Tenn. - April 9, 2015) - - - Columbia State Community College's Center for Workforce Development is offering a variety of courses the month of April. Courses include computer, health care, and professional development for anyone who would like to learn new skills or refresh the skills they already have.
An in-classroom "Pharmacy Technician" certificate program begins April 14 at the Columbia Campus. Working in pharmacies under the direction of a pharmacist, a pharmacy technician's main responsibility is filling prescriptions according to doctors' orders and preparing medications for dispensing to patients. Classes will take place Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-9:30 p.m. through June 2. The popular medical certificate program allows students the opportunity to earn certification that will qualify them for immediate employment in Tennessee's growing health care industry.
With "Ed2go Online Professional Development," take a moment to explore online courses that offer a catalog of convenient, professional development and personal enrichment type courses with behind the scenes instructor support on a variety of topics. These non-credit courses are offered monthly, and the next session begins April 15. To learn more, check out the link at
"Introduction to Word 2010" is a hands-on class in which participants will learn how to do basic editing and use document layout features of the popular word processing software. It will take place Friday, April 17 from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on the Columbia Campus.
"Basic Life Support for the Health Care Provider" is a four-hour course that reviews basic life support and airway obstruction. Students will work with mannequins to practice and perfect skills. This course will take place at the Columbia Campus on Saturday, April 25 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
To register for these or other continuing education courses through Columbia State's Center for Workforce Development, visit Full course description, meeting locations and additional information are available on the website or by calling (931) 540-2659.
Columbia State is a two-year college, serving a nine-county area in southern Middle Tennessee with locations in Columbia, Franklin, Lawrenceburg, Lewisburg and Clifton. As Tennessee's first community college, Columbia State is committed to increasing access and enhancing diversity at all five campuses. Columbia State is a member of the Tennessee Board of Regents, one of the largest higher education systems in the nation. For more information, please visit
Tennessee's Community Colleges is a system of 13 colleges offering a high-quality, affordable, convenient and personal education to prepare students to achieve their educational and career goals in two years or less. We offer associate degree and certificate programs, workforce development programs and transfer pathways to four-year degrees. For more information, please visit us online at