Columbia State Fishing Club Off to Reel Great Start

Photo Caption: The Fishing Club also recently competed at the Fishing League Worldwide Open at Kentucky Lake in Gilbertsville, Kentucky. Pictured, left to right: Dylan True (Lawrenceburg), Cain Lamprecht (Lawrenceburg), and Ben Bates (Pulaski).
Photo Caption: Cain Lamprecht placed sixth on Day 2-Session 3 at the 2015 Cabela's Collegiate Big Bash Bass at Kentucky Lake in Paris. Pictured: Cain Lamprecht.
Photo Caption: During their inaugural tournament at the 2015 Cabela's Collegiate Big Bash Bass Tournament at Kentucky Lake in Paris, Ben Bates placed sixth overall (of nearly 300) with a 6.60 pound bass, second place on Day 1-Session 2, fourth place on Day 1-Session 4, second place on Day 2-Session 3, and fourth place on Day 2-Session 4. Pictured: Ben Bates.
(COLUMBIA, Tenn. - April 2, 2015) - - - Columbia State Community College's Fishing Club is in its first year and the members couldn't be more excited about their progress and the possibilities to come. The team recently traveled to the 2015 Cabela's Collegiate Big Bash Bass Tournament at Kentucky Lake in Paris, where they ended their first tournament ranking 23 out of 228 competitors.
"The purpose of the club is to bring together anglers of all kinds to learn about the sport, participate in club events, and assist with community events," said Adam Robertson, student services coordinator at the Lawrence County Campus. "There are currently 10 members from Lawrence County and Clifton, and they are looking forward to growing the club and extending their presence to all five Columbia State campuses."
The Fishing Club leadership includes President Cain Lamprecht (Lawrenceburg), sophomore; Vice President Dylan True (Lawrenceburg), freshman; and Secretary Summer Smith, sophomore. The club advisers are Robertson and Marissa Dunkin, clinical coordinator and associate professor of the radiologic technology program.
Any student interested in joining the Fishing Club can contact Robertson at (931) 766-1600 or via email at They can also contact Dunkin at (931) 540-2744 or via email at
The remainder of the Fishing Club's spring schedule includes the following tournaments:
- April 17-19 - 2015 Collegiate Bass Fishing Open at Lake Chickamauga in Dayton
- May 2 - Fishing League Worldwide Southeastern at Lake Guntersville in Alabama
- May 20-22 - 2015 Boatus Collegiate Bass Fishing Championship at Pickwick Lake in Florence, Alabama (Must qualify for championship to enter.)
Columbia State is a two-year college, serving a nine-county area in southern Middle Tennessee with locations in Columbia, Franklin, Lawrenceburg, Lewisburg and Clifton. As Tennessee's first community college, Columbia State is committed to increasing access and enhancing diversity at all five campuses. Columbia State is a member of the Tennessee Board of Regents, one of the largest higher education systems in the nation. For more information, please visit
Tennessee's Community Colleges is a system of 13 colleges offering a high-quality, affordable, convenient and personal education to prepare students to achieve their educational and career goals in two years or less. We offer associate degree and certificate programs, workforce development programs and transfer pathways to four-year degrees. For more information, please visit us online at