Jul 24, 2013
Flagel Speaks At 150th Anniversary Of Gettysburg

Photo caption: Columbia State assistant professor of history Thomas Flagel signs his books at the National Park Visitor's Center after his presentation at Gettysburg. Photo credit: Barb Trujillo.
(COLUMBIA, Tenn. - July 24, 2013) - - - Columbia State Community College assistant professor Thomas Flagel has recently returned from Gettysburg, where he was one of 35 historians and filmmakers invited to speak at the 150th anniversary of the iconic Civil War battle.
"I was honored and privileged to be there," Flagel said. "The crowds were incredible."
He addressed a large crowd on Saturday, July 6, the closing weekend of the 10-day commemoration event. Speaking at the National Park Visitor's Center on the battlefield, he presented "Enemies No Longer: The 1913 Civil War Veterans Reunion at Gettysburg," a study of the largest Blue-Gray reunion ever held.
The response was so favorable that Flagel is considering expanding his research into another book. He is the author of four other works, including "The History Buff's Guide to Gettysburg," co-written with Ken Allers, Jr., associate battlefield guide.
Other speakers at the event included Pulitzer Prize winner James McPherson, film director Ron Maxwell, and Ed Bearss, a featured historian on Ken Burns' documentary, "The Civil War."
Flagel is a five-year member of Columbia State's history faculty. He earned his B.A. in history from Loras College, an M.A. in European history from Kansas State University and an M.A. in international relations from Creighton University.